How Long Can Facial Fat Transfer Results Last?

By: Dr. Bella A. Pacheco


A facial fat transfer is a popular procedure at Aurora Bella Plastic Surgery. It involves harvesting fat cells from one area of the body and carefully administering them to the face to restore volume and fullness. This minimally invasive procedure using BeautiFill® technology produces natural-looking results and comes with a lower risk of side effects compared to silicone implants.

Facial fat transfer results are known to last for many years, depending on various factors such as age, lifestyle habits, and genetics. Below, Dr. Bella A. Pacheco will discuss the longevity of your results and tips for maintaining them for as long as possible. Call now for an appointment in Miami, FL, and get started with our team.

How does BeautiFill work?

BeautiFill is a micro-fat transfer procedure that combines state-of-the-art laser technology with liposuction. It gently loosens fat cells from areas like the abdomen, hips, flanks, and thighs before purifying them and preparing them for injection into the face. The purifying process ensures maximum survival of the transferred cells, leading to longer-lasting outcomes. Dr. Pacheco will then strategically inject the fat into the face to create a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Factors that impact the longevity of facial fat transfer results

While BeautiFill can provide amazing outcomes for patients in Miami, FL, several factors can impact how long facial fat transfer results will last. These include:

  • Age: As we age, our skin loses some elasticity and becomes thinner, making it more difficult for the transferred fat cells to survive.
  • Lifestyle habits: Smoking, alcohol consumption, and a consistently poor diet can age our faces and produce wrinkles and creases.
  • Genetics: Some individuals have a higher metabolism or lower levels of subcutaneous fat, which can cause faster absorption and breakdown of the transferred fat cells.

Maintaining your results

Following your facial fat transfer procedure, Dr. Pacheco will provide helpful aftercare instructions to ensure longevity. These may include:

  • Avoiding strenuous exercise for several weeks so the transferred fat cells can settle in and heal properly.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet rich in nutrients that encourage skin health, such as vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Staying hydrated by drinking water during the day. Water will help keep your skin plump and supple.
  • Using sun protection to prevent UV damage, which can accelerate the aging process and increase the risk of wrinkles.
  • Quitting smoking or avoiding secondhand smoke altogether. Smoking can decrease blood flow to the face, causing transferred fat cells to die off more quickly.

Keep in mind that while a facial fat transfer is a long-term solution for restoring volume and fullness to the face, it does not stop the aging process altogether. Dr. Pacheco may recommend touch-up procedures in the future to maintain your desired results.

Ask about BeautiFill for a facial fat transfer

Overall, with proper care and maintenance, facial fat transfer results can last for many years, providing patients with long-term satisfaction. If you are considering this cosmetic treatment in Miami, FL, trust our experienced team at Aurora Bella Plastic Surgery to help you achieve a beautiful, natural-looking face that can stand the test of time. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Bella A. Pacheco to learn about BeautiFill and how it can boost your confidence today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.